Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Lady J = Beauty Queen?

Yes, you read it right!!!

During the summer, I found out about the "Black Canadian Queen" Beauty Pageant through my LinkedIn account and decided to throw in my application #yolomaybe, and have now found out I will be the National Contestant for Saskatoon, SK my home city!

This pageant is an event hosted by the Black Canadians Media Group through the Diversity Advancement Network, and I'll compete on June 6th & & 7th in Toronto, Ontario Canada. I'm too excited!!! *eekkk*

Also it's not your ordinary beauty pageant, but rather a cultural and achievements-based event along with main values of bringing awareness of social issues affecting regional and international Black communities and positive media representation.

But of course I need your help, in the form of moral support, creative feedback as well as sponsorship opportunities to gain funding to compete effectively. Please click the image below to "Like" my Contestant Facebook Fan Page!

And also check out my Official Contestant Page to stay up to date with my incredible journey!

Thanks in advance,

Josephine Mensah, Your Black Canadian Queen 2014

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